About Us
Deltacron Technologies Inc. is a Canadian company founded by young engineers that have a passion for the environment. It’s is this passion that drove the founders of this company to go into sustainable energy business. The threat of global warming is right at our door steps and it is up to all of us to do our part to save our planet, even as the world’s energy demand keeps growing.
The reason for Deltacron Technologies Inc.’s existence is simply to make a difference. To customers, colleagues, and all whose lives we touch. We are also here to make a positive difference to the environment and society as a whole. At Deltacron, we believe in empowerment through knowledge, and building trust through transparency. This is why we have a dedicated team that will be with you throughout the entire course of any project you undertake with us
At Deltacron Technologies Inc. we have a wide range of solar products, from domestic to commercial products. With our current focus in agriculture product and domestic products. With our current focus on agriculture product and domestic products, Our solar products are defined by world-class technology coming from professional workmanship……….
Proven to be 99% environmentally friendly source of energy. Produces little to no global warming emissions.
Sunshine will always be free, hence production will always be there as long as the sun shines! Forget your monthly power bills and get used to saving.
Professional & expert
Let our team of passionate, young engineers trained and mentored by the industry’s best, help you solve your electric energy problems. With our team’s many years of combined experience, you are surely in good hands.
As a company that just started out as an idea, Deltacron technologies has grown into an international company with clients from all over the world. Deltacron technologies has expanded its client base from Ontario only, to places like Chile, USA, Rwanda, Kenya and many other places. Currently, the company is in the process of opening up permanent offices in the United States of America.